AITSL spotlights the role of school leadership in challenging times - Education Matters Magazine

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AITSL spotlights the role of school leadership in challenging times

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The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) has released a new Spotlight report on the role of school leadership in challenging times.

The AITSL says while significant, the COVID-19 pandemic is unlikely to be the last crisis we will face in our lifetime, and it’s not the first time that school leaders have been called upon to lead through times of ambiguity.

Challenges faced by school leaders have ranged from rebuilding after environmental disasters through to supporting communities through economic, social and emotional devastation.

During these times, school leaders have provided clarity and direction, built resilience and instilled hope as they remained focused on the best possible outcomes for their students and school communities.

This Spotlight summarises the evidence base of leadership required during challenging times, examines the practices of successful leadership through uncertainty and highlights learnings from previous crises.

View the report HERE.

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