AITSL urges teachers to have their say on national review - Education Matters Magazine

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AITSL urges teachers to have their say on national review

The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) is urging Australian teachers to have their say on the National Review of Teacher Registration, before the consultation period ends next week.

The review is being conducted by the National Review of Teacher Registration Expert Panel, which will report its findings in late 2018.

AITSL is funded by the Australian Government to provide national leadership for the Australian, State and Territory Governments in promoting excellence in the profession of teaching and school leadership.

There are five key questions the review is asking:

  • How is the national teacher registration framework working across Australia?
  • Should early childhood teachers be part of a national approach to teacher registration?
  • What role does teacher registration play for vocational education and training (VET) teachers in school settings?
  • How does teacher registration support entry into the teaching profession?
  • How can we ensure that registered teachers satisfy the fit and proper person requirement?

AITSL has provided three ways for people to have their say. A short five to 10-minute survey is available here, and is also accessible from mobile devices.

An online discussion forum which allows participants to choose the topics they’re interested in at a time that suits them is open and can be found here.

In addition, educators can make written online submission to the Review via the AITSL website.

AITSL CEO Lisa Rodgers urged busy teachers to make their views heard before the consultation period ends on 7 May.

“If you have a view on teacher registration and how it can better support entry into the profession for all school, early childhood, and Vocational Education and Training in-schools teachers; now’s the time to be heard,” Ms Rodgers said.

“The Review explores how registration is a driver of great teaching. It focuses on the level of national consistency and rigour in teacher registration and how the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers are being applied.”

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