Applications for STEM Awards now open - Education Matters Magazine

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Applications for STEM Awards now open


The search has begun for Western Australia’s leading STEM education schools, with applications for the 2018 Governor’s School STEM Awards officially opened on 25 June 2018.

The awards, now in their fourth year, aim to raise awareness of the importance of STEM education among school leadership, and incentivise schools to support their teachers in undertaking STEM initiatives.

“Building our STEM capacity is in the long-term interest of Western Australian students, our current workforce and employers – an investment in STEM is an investment in the jobs of the future,” said Education and Training Minister Sue Ellery.

“Employers are looking for people with skills that STEM subjects help develop – teamwork, problem solving, creativity, independent thinking, critical analysis, initiative and communication – and these skills are transferable across careers.”

This year, the Western Australian Government is working closely with Scitech and a committee of representatives from the education community to deliver the awards.

The prizes awarded in both primary and secondary school categories include:
• $2000 for the Leadership Excellence Award (winner);
• $1000 for the Meritorious Leadership Awards (runner-up);
• An invitation for staff and students to visit Government House; and
• A Scitech visit for up to 90 students.

The winning schools will be selected by expert judging panels and announced at a presentation ceremony at Government House in November 2018.

“I am honoured to support the 2018 Governor’s School STEM Awards and continue the legacy of the previous governor as patron of the awards and host of the awards ceremony in November,” said the Hon. Kim Beazley AC, Governor of Western Australia. “These awards play an important part in encouraging students to study STEM subjects at both primary and secondary levels.”

He added, “We need to ensure all Western Australians have access to STEM opportunities, especially our students. In the midst of a global digital revolution, productivity and success in STEM-related fields is crucial for our State.”

Applications for the 2018 Governor’s School STEM Awards close on 20 August 2018. For more information, please click here.

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