Boosting education opportunities for disadvantaged students - Education Matters Magazine

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Boosting education opportunities for disadvantaged students

State Schools’ Relief, a Victorian not for profit, has established a partnership with Victorian furniture retailer Schoolfurn, to provide 150 study packages to underprivileged primary and secondary students across the state, so they have a functional space to complete their homework and school assignments at home.

According to the Poverty in Australia report, one in six Australian children are living below the poverty line, with many not having access to some of life’s most basic necessities.

When families are in financial distress, often it is the child’s education which suffers, with many not having access to any educational resources or support in the home.

According to a report published by the Good Shepherd on the effects of poverty on children’s learning, it was discovered that Australian children from low socioeconomic backgrounds are:

  • 11-16% behind peers in reading (NAPLAN)
  • 2.5 years behind academically at age 15 (PISA)
  • 20% of 15-year-olds report low sense of belonging (PISA)
  • 20% of 15-year-olds identified as having low participation (PISA)
  • 20% are less likely to finish year 12 (COAG)

These alarming figures highlight the necessity of providing students whose families are experiencing financial distress, with resources that can assist them in overcoming obstacles in their education.

The partnership between Schoolfurn and State Schools’ Relief will provide disadvantaged students with a dedicated space to complete homework and assignments outside of school. This initiative aims to assists these students to overcome their barriers to education, and in turn increase their future employment opportunities.

“At State Schools’ Relief, we are delighted to be able to partner with Schoolfurn to offer 150 children and young people with the opportunity to apply for a study desk and chair package. For many students who don’t have a place to study at home, this will enable them to have their own space dedicated to learning,” said Sue Karzis, CEO of State Schools Relief (pictured).


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