Bringing Harvard Business School to every Australian school leader

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Bringing Harvard Business School to every Australian school leader

Bringing Harvard Business School to every Australian school leader

EC Premium, a new teacher training platform, populated with thousands of K-12 focused professional learning courses is now offering Harvard Business School courses, that are practical and relevant to busy school leaders with subjects including time management and navigating difficult conversations.

EC Premium has been described as the ‘Spotify of professional learning’. Once subscribed, schools receive their own customised online professional learning platform, tailored to the school’s own branding. The platform is instantly populated with thousands of K-12 focused professional learning courses, with the option to add any of more than 100,000 wider adult learning courses from the larger Go1 learning library, all for the same flat subscriber fee.

Dave Faulkner, EC Premium Co-Founder, knows full well the challenges of bringing quality professional learning to schools. “My first principal position was in Marvel Loch, which is four hours’ drive from Perth. Most of our professional learning budget was soaked up by teacher release and travel costs.” 15 years later, Faulkner is proud to be part of a team that is delivering a new way of teacher upskilling, that’s taking Australia by storm.

Dave Faulkner, EC Premium Co-Founder.

Faulkner is enthusiastic about the content providers that have signed to the platform during 2022, especially Harvard Business School. “The Harvard courses on offer are great, I do them myself. They are practical and relevant to busy school leaders with subjects including time management and navigating difficult conversations.” He is also quick to stress how excited the team is to share other courses through EC Premium. “Whether it’s  inquiry learning with Kath Murdoch, trauma informed practice with Parent TV, child safety with The Cyber Safety Project or STEM training via Eddie Woo’s collaboration with Maths Pathways, there is a lot for educators to learn from,” says Faulkner.

Urban schools have been quick to sign up with the company boosting both Canberra and Melbourne Girls Grammar as new clients, as well as one of Brisbane’s newest school – the inner-city campus Fortitude Valley State High School. Equally, EC Premium has proved very compelling for rural and remote schools, allowing them to bring the world’s best professional learning right to their devices.

With the subscription price of $150 per staff member equating to less than the cost of half a day of teacher release, schools across the country are signing up to launch the platform now to full effect in 2023. Faulkner stresses; “EC Premium hasn’t been built to be your whole PL solution, instead it’s just a very compelling part of your solution to continually improve the practice of staff across your school”.

For further information visit, or watch this YouTube video.




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