Moving from high school to tertiary education can be a daunting step for many Year 12 school leavers – What career? Which degree? Where to study? But, as WiseTech Global explores, there is another important factor to consider – How to learn most effectively.
University study is often synonymous with lecture theatres and a shift to self-motivation that students may not have experienced at high school. It is a strong contrast to the apprenticeship approach in many trade-based careers where study is combined with hands-on practice – yet this is possibly the oldest means of passing on skills from one generation to the next.
Hands-on learning offers distinct advantages that can significantly enhance the educational experience and outcomes for students. Learning by doing helps build neural pathways by trying things out, making mistakes, and figuring out how to fix them. Ultimately this helps to deeply understand concepts rather than simply memorise facts.
For example, if we want to learn a musical instrument, we don’t study music theory for three years before having a go at playing the piano, guitar, trumpet etc. Instead, as we learn to read sheet music we practice on the instrument using exercises (scales) to become more fluent and able to play increasingly complex music with confidence and ease. The more we practice, the better we get. From a scientific perspective, when we actually do something, instead of just hearing or reading about it, our brain builds stronger and more numerous neural pathways.
So, what does that mean for helping students to choose what/which/where/how to study at university? It means the learning model can have a huge impact on the student’s success. The UK pioneered the concept of degree apprenticeships, and it is becoming more common in Australia, creating closer links with employers and attracting students who perhaps would not have enrolled in traditional university programs. It enables the graduate to not only complete the degree, but also gain valuable work experience. They also get paid, which is particularly relevant now: the 2024 NAB Education Insights Special Report found that one in three (34 per cent) Australian students are concerned about their family’s money worries and cost of living pressures – up significantly from less than one in four (23 per cent) in 2023.
This is particularly important for careers that require problem-solving and critical thinking. Hands-on learning activities that involve real-world challenges require students to think analytically, critically evaluate situations, and come up with creative solutions. It encourages students to question, explore, and make connections, thereby fostering critical thinking skills.
In addition, when this hands-on learning is conducted in a real workplace, students also develop the social and workplace skills that are critical to career success such as teamwork, communication, cooperation, seeking input and conflict resolution. In many ways it provides a much less jarring transition from school to work.
A great application of this approach is in software engineering where it is critical for students to build their problem-solving capabilities. The WiseTech Global Earn & Learn program combines university study with a full-time job at WiseTech, one of Australia’s top tech companies. Over four years, students will earn a university degree in computer science, be paid a competitive full-time salary, gain real world experience, have university course fees reimbursed and finish with no HECS debt. It is an effective model: Earn & Learn students achieved High Distinctions in 85 per cent of first- and second-year coding subjects at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).
Do you have students who might be interested in software engineering and thrive in a hands-on approach to learning? Applications are now open for Year 12 students to join the WiseTech Earn & Learn program. For more information visit: