Home tutoring for students that can take the pressure off teachers - Education Matters Magazine

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Home tutoring for students that can take the pressure off teachers


(L to R) Amaya Gallen, Danielle Matheson, Mark Gallen and Sarah Matheson

While in-home learning supports and reinforces what is being taught in schools and fills in the gaps that are missed, encouraging and developing home learning is often challenging for both parents and teachers.

Queensland-based father of four Mark Gallen says many school students face challenges understanding the complete Maths and English curriculum and could fall behind, become discouraged and lose interest in learning. Even though a few wrong answers on tests might not seem serious to parents, especially in junior primary years, Gallen warned that as students move through each year of the curriculum the problems become more obvious.

Recognising a lack of quality resources available to help his school-aged children, Gallen sought an at-home solution for K-12 students who require additional learning support. His newly-formed company, Yolo Tutoring, offers an inviting way to encourage student learning at home with the release of its student software resource, the Maths and English Wiz A-PLUS Incentive Program.

“If all school students thrived in the schooling system the only reason for in-home learning would be to provide additional avenues of learning not provided by the school,” he said. “The fact is though, many students need assistance to grasp the concepts taught in school.

“The curriculum is sequential, with each topic building on the one before, so concepts missed are generally missed forever unless there is intervention in the form of tutoring or in-home learning opportunities.This is true for both primary and secondary students because any concepts they do not understand are not typically revisited in the classroom.”

Gallen says providing in-home learning gives students the chance to gain proficiency of the curriculum in a private setting, away from the distractions and challenges of a classroom environment.

“In an in-home setting, students are active rather than passive, and assume greater responsibility for their own learning,” he said. “They become less dependent on the teacher and take greater responsibility for learning, planning and organization skills.

“Students become accountable to themselves and become independent thinkers, learners and risk takers.”

Gallen said a positive relationship between teachers, parents and students can improve a child’s attitude, behaviour and motivation towards homework and in-home learning.

“Teachers should encourage the parents to continue with in-home learning by mapping out the benefits and giving them useful tips for creating the right environment and balance,” he said.

Yolo Tutoring focus on Maths and English from K-12, science for senior high school and the Maths Doctor diagnostic tool, which enables parents to easily identify learning gaps and support accelerated learning.

Gallen said with the pressures put on teachers to manage large classroom numbers and with ‘mid-point’ teaching strategies focusing on the central 60 per cent of student ability, Maths and English Wiz offers a comprehensive way to support both the bottom 20 per cent and top 20 per cent of students.

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