How artificial intelligence could benefit education

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How artificial intelligence could benefit education

Artificial intelligence (AI) can play an important role in improving the quality and affordability of education, an artificial intelligence provider believes.

Writing in Venture Beat , Cognii CEO Dee Kanejiya argued several applications of AI would hit the education sector in the US in 2017, including AI for grading students’ written answers, bots that answer their questions, virtual personal assistant tutors and virtual reality and computer vision for hands-on learning.

Mr Kanejiya, who provides AI to the education sector, believes the advancements in technology will be needed to improve the productivity and efficiency of the education system – as budgets shrink and classroom sizes increase.

The Boston-based entrepreneur argued more rigorous academic standards in the United States has seen a shift towards measuring students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills and preparing them for college (university) and career success in the 21st century.

“The education industry has primarily three types of players — content, platform, and assessment providers — and each is going through a transition,” Mr Kanejiya wrote.

“The content publishers are bracing with the challenges of the print-to-digital transition, as well providing content for the open education resources.

“The learning platforms are trying to differentiate in the adaptivity, personalization, and analytics space. And assessment will continue to play a pivotal role in transforming the education industry as it transitions from multiple-choice tests toward more innovative question types.”

Mr Kanejiya wrote that he believes AI would benefit students with instant feedback and guidance, teachers with rich learning analytics and insights to personalise instruction, parents who could see improved career prospects at a reduced cost and schools and governments able to provide more affordable education.

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