Jeavons Landscape Architects assist school communities to achieve high-quality outdoor environments for play and recreation, teaching and learning, and for social inclusion.
Our thoughtful designs respond to the school community and to the environment. We collaborate with students, staff and parents and prepare landscape master plans and detailed designs to solve complex landscape planning and site design issues.
We work with inter-disciplinary teams of educators, architects, and other designers.
Our award-winning, landscape architectural practice has more than 25 years’ experience and we work in urban and rural settings all over Australia. We enjoy working with:
• Primary schools (State, Independent and Catholic);
• Special schools;
• Secondary schools;
• Integrated campuses;
• Early Learning Centres on school sites; and,
• Existing schools and greenfield sites.
Our specialist skills include the following:
• Design of play settings to maximise play value, usability and inclusion;
• Design of outdoor learning spaces;
• Collaboration with children and adults;
• Design of sustainable, natural landscapes;
• Design for access and inclusion; and,
• Preparation of high quality technical drawings and specifications.
We also work in early childhood centres, children’s hubs, pre-schools and child care centres, therapeutic and sensory gardens, parks and playgrounds, and other community settings.
Telephone (03) 9387 7337, email or visit our website for more information.