More students to benefit from school breakfast program - Education Matters Magazine

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More students to benefit from school breakfast program


The school breakfast clubs program has reached a milestone with 1000 schools now participating across Victoria.

As a result of the program, which is delivered in partnership with Foodbank Victoria, provides free breakfasts for kids at participating Victorian schools, allowing more students are able to learn with a full stomach and get the most out of school.

Minister for Education James Merlino announced that the school breakfast clubs program has so far served more than 15 million meals to students since it was established in 2016.

“We know that kids can’t learn properly on an empty stomach – that’s why we expandedSchool Breakfast Clubs program to 1000 schools to help the students who need it most,” Merlino said.

“The School Breakfast Clubs program has gone from strength to strength making sure more students have access to healthy meals no matter what their background or circumstance.”

The Labor Government has invested $58 million to expand the program by doubling the number of participating schools from 500 to 1000, providing lunches and school holiday supplies to those most in need and will begin delivering cooking classes for parents and children at 100 schools in 2021.

Despite the impacts of COVID-19 during Term 2 and 3 in 2020, more than 2.5 million meals were delivered to students, and a further 1.2. million meals provided in Term 4.

Foodbank Victoria chief executive officer Dave McNamara further added that the school breakfast clubs program provides more than just nutritious food – it improves concentration, builds social skills, and gives kids a better chance to create a bright future for themselves through learning.

“Since 2016, Foodbank Victoria has been proud to deliver this vital program providing healthy meals to kids who might otherwise go without, giving them a happy, healthy start to the day,” McNamara said.

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