National Education Summit Australia - Education Matters Magazine

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National Education Summit Australia

National Education Summit Australia

The National Education Summit for teachers will take place in both Melbourne and Brisbane in 2022. The National Education Summit continues to be an important key professional development event for Australian educators since it first took place in 2016.

  • Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre – Friday 17th and Saturday 18th June.
  • Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre – Friday 5th and Saturday 6th August.

The National Education Summit incorporates five individual events under the one roof specialising in areas of interest within teaching and learning. The 5 key pillars include:

  1. Capacity Building School Libraries.
  2. STEM across the Curriculum.
  3. Diverse Learners.
  4. Wellbeing.
  5. Digital Technology and Learning Spaces.

Alongside the dynamic presenters and sessions on offer during the summit, visitors will also have the opportunity to browse through the free trade expo, The Education Show, and see first hand the offerings from over 100 exhibitors with a focus on educational resources, technologies and support.

The Summit continues to have key educational organisations involved including Australian Education Union, Thrass, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, Gateways, DATTA Australia, SLAV, VAGTC, Berry Street Educational Model, STEM Ed Magazine, Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria, Queensland School Library Association, Lamont Books, Eduwebinar, Micromelon Robotics, Gifted Support Network, Australian Computer Society and The Mackillop Institute.

The National Education Summit aims to provide the highest standard of professional development across key themes in the K-12 education sector and to ensure that participants have the latest, most innovative and relevant learnings to build their capacity as educators.

The National Education Summit will strive to achieve these in the following ways:

  • Demonstrate our vested interest in Australian Education, with people who know and love our education community by offering a platform for professional learning.
  • Create a collaborative, face-to-face community for the education sector to meet, share and grow.
  • Provide opportunities for educators to present and share their ideas in a supportive environment (both new and experienced teachers).
  • Manage and curate content to provide high quality professional learning options for educators.
  • Provide a platform for educational vendors to engage educator audiences in an interactive, experiential, collaborative environment.

Key Pillars
To ensure we focus on the topics that are close to our core, the key pillars of our professional development events include: Capacity Building School Libraries; Digital Technology and Learning Spaces; Diverse Learners; STEM across the Curriculum and Wellbeing for Future Focused Schools.

For further information visit:


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