National Gold Education Program inspires STEM - Education Matters

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National Gold Education Program inspires STEM learning


The Gold Industry Group (GIG) has released its National Gold Education Program which aims to inspire hands-on STEM learning through interactive gold demonstrations by industry workers and unique classroom resources.

Now live across four states, the free lessons were developed in conjunction with Earth Science WA (ESWA) and are designed to teach both primary and secondary students about Australia’s diverse gold sector.

A major highlight of the National Gold Education Program is the one-hour gold sessions delivered by passionate gold industry professionals to upper primary (Years 4-6) and lower secondary (Years 7-10) students.

Incorporating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) learning through hands-on activities, the sessions replicate common-place scenarios within the gold sector, providing students with a unique opportunity to interact with gold industry workers and learn about the diverse range of careers on offer.

GIG Vice Chair and gold-class facilitator Kelly Carter said she was delighted to see the unique initiative come to life, enabling the sector to share insights through the structured program to empower the next wave of talent.

“This is a fantastic opportunity for students across the country to learn more about the gold sector from its most passionate advocates, whilst participating in exciting, curriculum-linked STEM activities. We’re very proud to have been able to develop this program with ESWA,” Ms Carter said.

Through the National Gold Education Program, students learn all about gold, its economic and social value, its relevance in everyday life and future opportunities within the industry. Sessions can be delivered to a single class of up to 32 students at a time, within the metro and regional catchments across Western Australia, New South Wales, Tasmania and Victoria.

Exclusive Gold Resources Kits are also available as part of the National Gold Education Program, with a range of tools linked to the Australian Curriculum including large rock and gold samples from gold mines in Victoria and Western Australia.

Sessions also feature engaging educational tools such as the free Heart of Gold Australia app, featuring the Perth and Kalgoorlie Heart of Gold Discovery Trails, interactive gold games and widgets, and links to other gold tourism experiences around the country.

ESWA Chief Executive Officer, Jo Watkins, said the program will deliver industry knowledge to students in a new and tangible way.

“This program provides the opportunity for students and teachers across a number of regions of Australia to engage with real-world STEM challenges with a gold context.

“It also extends beyond interaction with guest speakers to the wonderful rock kits and activity ideas, which are all freely available. It is a fantastic initiative which we are very proud to be a part of,” Ms Watkins said.

Teachers can now book a session with a gold-class facilitator or order a Gold Resources Kit online.

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