New north east school zone consultation opens - Education Matters Magazine

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New north east school zone consultation opens

north east school

Public consultation is now open on the proposed zone for the new north eastern school, taking in the suburbs of Hectorville and Rostrevor, and parts of Tranmere, Woodforde, Teringie, Montacute, Magill and Norton Summit.

The South Australian Government is investing $84.4 million to build the new school, which will be ready to accept Year 7 enrolments in 2023, to relieve enrolment pressure in the eastern suburbs.

Modelling by the Education Department shows that without the new facility, secondary schools in the eastern suburbs would reach 105 per cent capacity by 2023, climbing to 132 per cent capacity in 2036.

The move will see the existing zones for Norwood Morialta High School, Marryatville High School, and Charles Campbell College amended to ensure their ongoing ability to accommodate their local families.

The proposed zones are based on detailed demographic analysis of the area and take existing transport routes into account.

Minister for Education John Gardner said this is the first of many exciting developments for the new school as it moves towards opening in 2023.

“This new school is essential to meet growing enrolment demand in the area,” Gardner said.

“Even with the significant expansion of the Norwood Morialta Parade campus, and other school building works, growing demand means we need to create more capacity in our public schooling system.

Department for Education Executive Director Anne Millard said it’s an exciting step in the creation of a much-needed new secondary school in the area.

“Detailed demographic analysis shows significant and sustained growth in enrolment demand in the area,” Millard said.

“The proposed zone will ensure that the new school grows sustainably and means that the three neighbouring secondary schools won’t exceed their capacity in coming years.”

The proposed zone changes have been provided to local principals to share with their governing council chairs for their feedback.

Member for Hartley, Vincent Tarzia, encouraged the community to provide their feedback on the proposed zone.

“The Marshall Liberal Government is dedicated to world-class education and this new school will ensure that more students have enhanced access to world-class facilities closer to their homes,” Tarzia added.

“Critically it will relieve pressure on some of the surrounding schools that are currently forced to impose strict capacity management plans because of the capacity pressure they have been under.”

The public consultation is open until September 9.

The new north eastern school is in addition to four new South Australian public schools opening next year at Aldinga, Angle Vale, Goolwa and Whyalla.

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