The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) has released new data on the satisfaction, employment outcomes and reasons for non-completion of vocational education and training (VET) students.
The VET student outcomes 2024 report shows that nearly nine in ten students who completed their qualification achieved their main training goal (87.4%) and were satisfied with their training (89.5%). Nearly two thirds (64.4%) of those who completed VET qualifications had an improved employment status, while a third (33.3%) went on to further study.
NCVER Managing Director Mr John King said vocational training is a great pathway to employment or further study.
“Our data shows that most students are satisfied with their training and achieving their main training goals, such as getting a new job or gaining extra skills for their current job.”
The report also gives insights into students who did not complete their qualifications. Around three in four qualification part-completers were satisfied with their training (77.8%) and achieved their main reason for training (77%).
“Improving training completion rates is a national priority,” Mr King said.
“While many students who do not complete their qualification still gain valuable skills and achieve their primary training goals, our research shows that outcomes and satisfaction are consistently higher for those who complete. Students who complete their qualification are more likely to get a job, promotion, or wage increase.
“We need to continue to support student completions with evidence-based initiatives, with around one in five students withdrawing for personal reasons and another one in five students withdrawing for training-related reasons,” he said.
The VET student outcomes 2024 report is derived from results of the National Student Outcomes Survey, which measures the satisfaction and employment outcomes of students who completed nationally recognised VET delivered by registered training organisations (RTOs) in Australia during the previous year.
Improved employment status is defined as either employment status changing from not employed before training to employed after training or employed at a higher skill level after training or received a job-related benefit. Examples of job-related benefits include got a job or changed job, set up or expanded their own business, got a promotion, gained extra skills for their job, increased earnings or kept current job.
More reading: Pilot VET program helping NSW students upskill