New science syllabus designed

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New science syllabus designed for future leaders in STEM

Peter Doherty Awards for Excellence in STEM Education winners announced

Tangible learning experiences and real-world challenges are at the core of a new science syllabus.

Creating the next generation of leaders in STEM is the focus of the proposed new Science and Technology syllabuses unveiled for consultation by the NSW government as part of the ongoing delivery of the most comprehensive Curriculum Reform in a generation.

Minister for Education and Early Learning Sarah Mitchell said the new syllabuses have been reshaped to align with current in-field evidence that will best equip students for success in a modern, digital and connected world.

“We know that it is vital that students can apply their knowledge in the day-to-day. Through these syllabuses, students will benefit from more tangible learning experiences that give them the chance to study real-world challenges, setting them up as the next generation of world leaders in STEM,” Ms Mitchell said.

“Ultimately, the new syllabuses have been designed to better prepare young people for further study and career pathways in STEM.”

The draft Science syllabus for Years 7 to 10 includes new contemporary topics on data science and investigating scientific evidence, as well as a greater focus on environmental sustainability and energy based on the latest evidence.

Key changes include:

  • More explicit focus on applying knowledge and skills, with students applying classroom learning to real-world challenges and opportunities.
  • A greater focus on essential knowledge and skills removing ambiguity and better supporting teacher planning.
  • Increased connections between science and mathematics to support learning across the curriculum.
  • Greater links to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander historical and contemporary uses of science and technologies.
  • Greater focus on developing students’ writing skills for scientific purposes.
  • Life Skills components of the syllabus provide greater opportunities for students with intellectual disability to extend their literacy, numeracy and communication skills in authentic learning contexts.

Additionally, a new draft Technology syllabus for Years 7 to 8 builds on an already strong syllabus with a greater focus on digital literacy, cyber security and online safety.

The public can have their say on the draft Technology 7-8 syllabus until 21 November 2022 and on the Science and Drama 7–10 syllabuses until 5 December 2022: here.


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