The New South Wales Teachers Federation says it is deeply alarmed at reports the Federal Government may fall short of fully funding public schools.
According to the federation, a report in The Australian suggests that while the Federal Government plans to raise funding for public schools, it will fall short of reaching 100 per cent of the agreed Schooling Resource Standard (SRS).
Acting president of the NSW Teachers Federation, Mr Henry Rajendra, said full funding was urgently needed to reduce class sizes and improve support for students with complex needs.
“In New South Wales, we need an education system that is better and fairer, where each child gets the individual attention and support they need to thrive,” he said.
A growing achievement gap has emerged between students based on financial and geographic backgrounds, aggravated by teacher shortages. Mr Rajendra said tackling these challenges starts with adequate funding.
“NSW public schools are funded well below the SRS, the minimum level that was agreed upon as necessary for meeting student needs over a decade ago. This year alone, the funding shortfall for NSW public schools amounts to $1.9 billion,” he said.
“We urge the Prime Minister to work closely with the New South Wales government to ensure full funding for our public schools.
“The stakes are too high for continued failure in funding by the government. The Albanese Government must commit to fully funding all public schools in New South Wales without delay. All kids deserve a decent shot at life.”