Principals Australia Institute looks to 2018

Latest News, Professional Development

Principals Australia Institute looks to 2018

Principals Australia Institute (PAI) provides leaders, teachers and staff members with customised professional development services to help improve whole-school outcomes.

The organisation notes that schools can plan for their professional development in 2018 by contacting the PAI team to discuss their requirements.

Schools can send staff to PAI’s scheduled workshops, or the organisation can visit schools directly, delivering professional learning in key areas of a school’s strategy, and allowing it to tailor a professional development plan.

PAI’s areas of expertise include:

• strategic planning
• leadership, teacher, staff, and student wellbeing
• mentoring and supporting early-career teachers
• change management
• leadership coaching
• family and community engagement
• media training, and
• legal matters relevant to the school setting

PAI is happy to work with a school’s executive group, specific teams, or deliver whole-of-school professional development, in whichever areas are needed to help a school improve its key improvement goals.

In 2017, PAI’s suite of professional development products that support wellbeing have been enthusiastically received. Its Principal Wellbeing, Teacher Wellbeing, and Youth Mental Health First Aid workshops have been well attended across the country, and are being scheduled for more dates in 2018.

This year PAI also launched a raft of fresh professional learning opportunities in response to demand for support in key areas of school leadership. Graduate and Grow, Leading Change and Media Training for School Leaders have been facilitated for principals and school leaders in multiple capital cities, to excellent feedback.

In 2018, it will bring Australian educators its new Leadership Coaching, Family-School Engagement and Schools and the Law professional development offerings.

In addition to its scheduled workshops, PAI also delivers on-site professional learning and consulting services at schools. PAI’s consultants provide one-on-one support PAI’s consultants provide one-on-one support, bringing its expertise to educators, and helping it develop successful strategies for a school. PAI has staff and partners experienced in diverse facets of school management, including legal affairs, financial management, strategic planning, business development and coaching.

Contact Principals Australia Institute now on 08 8394 2100 or, to learn how it can deliver tailored professional development for whole-school success.

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