Recognising Active Citizenship in Students

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Recognising active citizenship in Aussie students

Recognising Active Citizenship in Aussie Students

Primary schools across Australia are encouraged to register for Aussie of the Month, a free program recognising primary school students who demonstrate personal endeavour, achievement and contribution to their community.

Aussie of the Month is delivered by the same organisation responsible for the prestigious Australian of the Year Awards—and has grown to be one of Australia’s most valued, non-academic school recognition programs.

The program recognises outstanding contribution to the school community and broader society and rewards students who display Australian values such as respect, inclusion, mateship and a fair go for all.

Aussie of the Month runs from February to November each year, is easy for schools to implement and, most importantly, is accessible to regional and remote areas. Children are recognised at their school assembly and are presented with an Aussie of the Month certificate, badge, pen set and bookmark.

The program has already proven to be successful across Australia with nearly 1,300 schools participating nationwide, reaching a student population of approximately 403,000.

“Aussie of the Month is such a great way to recognise children of all abilities, as it’s focused on contribution to community rather than academic or sporting achievements,” says Program Manager, Ashleigh Brand.

“It’s particularly rewarding to see how much the Award means to students and parents, as we regularly receive comments on how great it is to receive and how hard the students work to get it.”

Aussie of the Month is delivered by the National Australia Day Council in partnership with the Department of Home Affairs and is supported by Pilot Pen Australia.

“Active citizenship is about getting involved in your local community and displaying values such as respect, inclusion and helping others,” says Brett White, Assistant Secretary of the Department’s Citizenship Policy Branch.

“The Department of Home Affairs is proud to encourage and recognise young Australians who exemplify these values through our sponsorship of this program.” 

Primary schools can register for the Aussie of the Month program at any time during the year via

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