State Education Week

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State Education Week

Womens Leadership Summit

State Education Week, Monday 24 October to Friday 28 October, is an annual event that showcases and celebrates Queensland state schools.

The theme for 2022 is “Realising the potential of every student”.

State Education Week is an opportunity to promote the great work being done in Queensland state schools to help each student fulfil their potential.

How to get involved

Schools can start forward planning for State Education Week by establishing a planning team. Please consider the latest Queensland COVID-19 information in your planning. Some questions to consider include:

  1. How will we involve our students in our planning?
  2. Who else will need to be involved in the event?
  3. What would we like to showcase during State Education Week?
  4. How will we celebrate?
  5. How will we involve and engage with our community?
  6. What communication channels will we use?

Get social

Queensland state school communities can get involved by taking photos or videos that illustrate how their school community has come together to create a positive learning environment for students. Share your school’s stories and celebrations using #StateEdWeek on social media.

Teachers, parents, school staff and community members all play a part in guiding students to reach their potential. State schools are an ‘education family’, all working together with the common goal of the best outcomes for our students.

For further information, please visit

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