Student wellbeing pilot takes off - Education Matters Magazine

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Student wellbeing pilot takes off

A South Australian school is expanding a research program seeking to reduce stress and anxiety among its students, where perfectionism, body image concerns, learning and workload challenges, separation anxiety and depression may take hold at any age.

The new research, supported by the Fraser Mustard Centre and a Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation, is focusing on developing and rolling out targeted mindfulness programs for Years 8-10 as well as wellbeing support for primary age and pre-schoolers in the school’s early learning centre.

The whole school wellbeing education framework at Concordia College is expanding this year in line with the Lutheran school’s mission combined with international wellbeing education guidelines, says Flinders University psychology researcher Catherine Johnson.

“This framework, including a new approach to prepare Year 12s and school-leavers for the workplace and independent adult life, has included wide consultation in the school community, from students and parents to teachers and support staff,” Johnson said.

“Last year we identified three priority wellbeing themes to run across the whole school journey, based on a combination of the scientific evidence base and our own student data: Psychological skills to deal with challenge and stretching beyond the comfort zone; body image education; friendships and bullying.

Johnson, herself a former Concordia student, highlighted that schools have access to a wide range of mindfulness, wellbeing and resilience training and information.

“School-based prevention and support programs are a great way to reach young people at all ages and across the population, particularly when young Australians are the least likely age group to seek professional treatment or speak for themselves,” she said.

“With this initiative, we are aiming to have an integrated program across all school years and stages of brain and social development to support students into adulthood.”

Addressing key mental health risk and protective factors early in life will smooth the journey into adulthood, she says.

This year the Concordia project will run staff and parent workshops to align with student education sessions to develop a common language and understanding of key skills.

Staff will also have the opportunity to personally experience different wellbeing elements as part of professional development, both for self-care and to effectively model skills to students.

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