Trialling an intensive early childhood education and care model

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Trialling an intensive early childhood education and care model

The Australian Government has committed $9.5 million to support a trial led by the Parkville Institute of an intensive early childhood education and care model at four new sites.

The first of the new sites has been announced in Richmond, Victoria.

The model helps disadvantaged children to bridge the gap to school readiness and offers:

  • high quality, intensive early education and care
  • infant mental health and family support
  • access to services to redress harm and overcome trauma
  • support for at-risk and disadvantaged children’s learning and development.

The model is for children from birth up to three years. The trial is part of the Australian Government’s commitment to scale up evidence driven programs to lift participation in quality early childhood education and care and improve school readiness.

The Parkville Institute is leading and overseeing the delivery of the trial. Australian Government funding is supplemented by philanthropic and state and territory government support.

Read more about the trial on the Parkville Institute website.

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